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About Armed & Secure.org
Armed & Secure is a project of the American Liberty Foundation, a tax-exempt educational institution based in Alexandria, Virginia. We're dedicated to delivering 21st Century Outreach Demonstrating Freedom Works.
That phrase 21st Century Outreach Demonstrating Freedom Works is more than a empty slogan; it's a statement of exactly how we defend your freedom.
- We're focused on 21st Century communication tools TV, radio, the Internet, VHS tapes, CDs, and cassettes. These tools are far more cost-effective than print or word-of-mouth.
TV ads cost us less than 2 cents per television set reached one page of a book or brochure costs 10 or 20 times as much! And TV and radio ads are dynamic yet subtle people choose the TV shows they watch and the radio stations they listen to, but not the commercials they see and hear.
- We're focused on outreach we have no interest in "preaching to the choir." If you have a burning desire to swell the ranks of Americans who are excited about the Second Amendment and who desperately want to blunt the fervor of the gun controllers we're the answer to your prayers.
- We're focused on "demonstrating freedom works," by highlighting the tangible benefits of individual liberty, personal responsibility, and constitutionally limited government. Example: Want to be safe from rapists, murderers, burglars, and child molesters? According to scholars like John Lott, gun ownership makes neighborhoods far safer than gun control does.
Armed & Secure is a unique approach to securing your Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Our approach not only complements the work of other organizations, it extends it by popularizing the scholarly research that supports our values.
This archival web page was frozen in its current form for historical record in September, 2003, and is provided
courtesy of the Downsize DC Foundation, formerly known as the American Liberty Foundation.
But a good strategy accomplishes nothing unless people support it. We need your help. To make a targeted contribution to broadcast the ad or ads you like best click here.
If you're not ready to contribute at this time, please subscribe to our email list, Armed & Secure Review. Subscribers are the first to learn of Armed & Secure projects and plans, and receive advance notice of when and where our ads will be broadcast. You can subscribe by clicking here.
To learn more about our specific projects, click on the following links:
- To watch our TV ads, click here.
- To listen to our radio ads, click here.
- To learn how we present the case for widespread gun ownership using the Internet, visit our Debate Center by clicking here.
- To acquire helpful tools you can use to persuade others that guns save lives and reduce crime, click here.
This archival web page was frozen in its current form for historical record in September, 2003, and is provided
courtesy of the Downsize DC Foundation, formerly known as the American Liberty Foundation.
We're glad you've visited us. We look forward to having you on the team.
For Armed & Secure I am respectfully yours,
Jim Babka
American Liberty Foundation
"21st Century Outreach Demonstrating Freedom Works"