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"Yard Sign"
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How to reach millions:
Our TV ads
Widespread gun ownership reduces crime and save lives, and we want to spread this important message to millions of people using the most cost effective tools available.
The BIGGEST impact for the lowest cost
Television ads can reach people for about two pennies per person.
- Printed materials cost 15 or 20 times as much, and even if they are widely distributed, they may remain unread.
- Personal persuasion is slow, and can lead to nasty arguments.
- The Internet is passive. Even the best website is worthless if no one visits it.
- But television ads communicate through sound, images, and text at a cost of only about two pennies per person.
Television ads can make ...
- Ten thousand impressions for about $200.
- One hundred thousand impressions for about $2,000.
- One million impressions for about $20,000.
If you want to share the good news about private gun ownership, television ads are the best way to do it.
- You can use our ads to reach millions of people with the message that privately owned guns save lives and prevent crime.
- You can counter the endless claims of television newscasters that privately owned guns are bad.
- You can show people how privately owned guns foster a peaceful society.
- You can challenge unquestioned assumptions and de-bunk popular myths.
- You can reach people who are undecided about guns, and give them a viewpoint they won't hear on the nightly news.
- And you can do it in the most cost effective way possible, using the television ads we've created for you.
You can use our ads to catch people when they're in a reflective state of mind, watching television for entertainment or educational purposes. There's no need to argue with anyone. The messages communicated by our ads will sink in and do their work over time. They'll give unthinking gun control advocates reasons to doubt, and undecided Americans reasons to finally decide in favor of the right to keep and bear arms.
And as our ads create a larger and larger audience we'll have the resources to reach more and more people, until the litany people hear is no longer, "guns are bad, guns are bad, guns are bad," but instead, "guns are good, guns are good, guns are good."
Is this what you want?
Well, here's how to get it
We've already produced three ads on the right to keep and bear arms, and with your support, more will follow. To view our current ads, click on the images to the left (requires either Windows Media Player or RealPlayer).
This archival web page was frozen in its current form for historical record in September, 2003, and is provided
courtesy of the Downsize DC Foundation, formerly known as the American
Liberty Foundation.
How often should our ads be broadcast? It's up to you. Your contribution is our broadcast budget. Which of our three ads should be broadcast most often? It's up to you. You can vote for the ad or ads you prefer by targeting your contribution to the ads or ads of your choice. The money you donate will be used to broadcast the ads you choose.
You can also choose to make either a one-time gift or a monthly credit card pledge. We urge you to think about the power of a regular monthly credit card pledge. By joining together with other monthly pledgers you can help ensure the regular appearance of pro-gun messages on national television!
This archival web page was frozen in its current form for historical record in September, 2003, and is provided
courtesy of the Downsize DC Foundation, formerly known as the American
Liberty Foundation.
Plus, you can get announcements about when and where your ads will appear by subscribing to Armed & Secure Review, our free e-newsletter. We'll also keep you posted on our fundraising progress. Every time our broadcast fund reaches $2,000 we'll do a time-buy $2,000 is enough to make about one hundred thousand impressions. Remember, nothing else you can do will accomplish so much for so little.
And there's no limit to how much you can contribute. You can invest $20, $200, $1,000, $10,000, $100,000 or $1 million. It's up to you, your budget, and your level of dedication to bringing America the peaceful benefits of widespread gun ownership. Your contributions are also tax-deductible as charitable donations, and if you want to you can even give appreciated securities and thereby legally avoid the capital gains tax that you would otherwise have to pay when you sell your securities.
In addition, if you make a one-time gift of at least $29 or more, or a monthly credit card pledge of $10 or more, we'll send you a videotape of the ads and place your name on the Armed & Secure Broadcast Team roster featured on this page.
This archival web page was frozen in its current form for historical record in September, 2003, and is provided
courtesy of the Downsize DC Foundation, formerly known as the American
Liberty Foundation.
We hope you're excited by our plan and we hope that you'll join us in our mission. To contribute to broadcast our ads, click here.
If you're not ready to contribute, but would like to stay informed, please subscribe to our e-newsletter, Armed & Secure Review.